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Writer's pictureRegina Powers

Discovering True Beauty

Have you ever thought about how much energy it takes to maintain a facade of approval? The effort it requires to keep those muscle contractions in place, especially in our face, is exhausting! But what if we could let go of all that and be ourselves?

I recently stumbled upon the teachings of Plotinus who wrote,” Finding the face of beauty in the sculpture by chipping away the superfluous and superficial.” It got me thinking about how much of our journey is about shedding the unnecessary to embrace our true selves. Living authentically from our truth is where true beauty resides. When we finally reach that point, the simple joys of everyday life come to us effortlessly, without overthinking.

Let's be real; it's easier said than done. Like any masterpiece it takes time and patience to reveal what's been blocking our extraordinary selves. We can't rush the process of uncovering our true essence.

I've had the privilege of witnessing many individuals as they peel away the layers to discover what lies beneath them. It's a journey of breaking free from the emotional burdens and traumas that have them weighed down. As they let go of the need for safety and release the sentiments of their parents or lineage, I've seen their bodies surrender and their minds find peace.

It’s a touching experience to witness a soul reclaiming itself, shedding tears of gratitude as it returns home to its true selves. Once released from the burden of others' fears and traumas, its true beauty shines through as it can now live life authentically.

Here’s to enjoying your life living in truth and beauty!

Balance & blessings,



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