Root Cause Therapy
Root Cause Therapy (RCT) is an emotion focused therapy that uses guided meditation, breath work, regression, and future projection to get to the root cause of an issue.

It works on all levels of consciousness mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. It takes you to places that may be known or unknown, all to get to the root cause of what keeps your current issue in place. The issue or trauma can be from this life or carried over through generations. Once healed, your system will discover a new peaceful way of being without holding on to the past.
“The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it.”
– Nicholas Sparks, At First Sight
​I have discovered since using Root Cause Therapy that it’s been a beautiful compliment to both Theta healing and Brennan healing science technique. The combination can bring about a deep and profound level of healing. You’re always the guide during every session to what is in your best and highest good for your soul. This technique can assist children, and animals with a different use of the technique. I am so grateful to have found my way to this teaching. Please reach out for a free consult if you would like to learn more before signing up for a session.

I'm doing great! I really feel like I'm in my body now. Last night after everything started to settle, I could feel my 3 chakras spinning and could actually "feel" them in my body, actually spinning and present. I felt so whole and complete in my body. A new and wonderful experience!
Thank you sooo much. That root cause therapy is very powerful in that you experience the emotion to the max."
Book Your Appointment
In-person Appointments contact to schedule
Long distance (Zoom or phone call) or
55 minutes - $150.00
90 minutes - $225.00
In-Home sessions: 250$/hour
350$/90 min
Animal Healing (Online): 45 minutes - 125.00

I accept payment through VENMO or ZELLE
Venmo: regina-powers-6 or Zelle: #415-572-2065