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All are Welcome!

A piece of The Guest House, a beautiful quote from Rumi that inspired our recent Sol Journey retreat: "The being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, and some momentary awareness come as an unexpected visit. Welcome and entertain them all!" This quote reminds us that we should welcome all our emotions and experiences, even the difficult ones, as they can help us grow and welcome the new.

The realization that, when we are born into this world, the foundation of many homes is not very welcoming and is a bit unstable. The foundations, built from our parents' wounds, may have a few cracks, making it challenging for us to find balance as we navigate our way through life. We learn early on to be the "good" girl or boy who receives accolades and positive feedback, while the expression of "bad" feelings is often hushed. However, all emotions are valid and should be welcomed. These suppressed emotions often surface during our lifetime. As we work through them and the system feels safe enough to open, we can release and accept the support and compassion that await our arrival. By doing so, the foundation within our body temple feels more like home, allowing us to welcome our "no" or our "yes" with openness and acceptance. It is really when our emotions are allowed to run free through our system that our energy enlivens us, not deadens us.

"The earth and all the other elements continually provide for us, without judgment and discrimination. It does not matter what race, creed, color, gender, or religion we are- no one person is any different than anyone else." Taken from my book, What Color is Your Medicine. I'm always grateful for the time spent on our precious mother earth.

Balance & blessings,



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